Leaving a Large House for a Small One
If you’ve decided to downsize your large home, there’s one big problem you’re going to face: where to put all of your stuff. You’ll suddenly realize just how much you’ve accumulated over the years, and it can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to prepare for your move before our Richmond movers start bringing your things to your new home.
Tips on How to Downsize your Home
Give Away Everything you Don’t Use
It’s time to start being very honest with yourself. If you never use an item, then you shouldn’t bring it with you to your new home. This is true for the treadmill that’s collecting dust in the corner, the half-built shelf that you were going to finish “someday,” and any other broken or unused item. Either give these items to friends or family, donate them to a charity, or throw them out. Downsizing is a great time to get rid of those things that are cluttering your living room. You’ll be amazed at how much space these unused items take up.
Measure your Furniture
If you’re moving into a smaller space, you might need smaller furniture. Be sure to get the measurements of your new apartment or house, and then measure all of your tables, beds, and other furniture. Try to visualize how the pieces of furniture will look in your new place. If you feel that they’re so big they either won’t fit or will make you feel claustrophobic, it might be a good idea to get some new furniture for your new home.
Organize your Packing
Once you’ve decided what you’re bringing with you, it’s time to organize your packing. Be sure to label every box so you don’t forget what’s inside. Carefully wrap up fragile items before placing them in their boxes. Once everything is safely stored, your Richmond movers will be able to start bringing your things from your old home to your new one. If your boxes are organized and labelled, unpacking should be a breeze.
There are many reasons to decide to downsize. If you have chosen to downsize, these tips will help you as you begin packing for your brand new home. Just be sure that everything you bring will fit into your smaller space, and get rid of the things that will cause clutter. By doing that, you’ll be able to unpack quickly and start enjoying your new home.
If you have any more questions about any aspect of moving, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.